ONE YEAR, 2012

Archival ink jet prints, 240″ x 5″
One Year is made up of fifty-one images is presented here as one installation view and fifty-one individual detail views.
One Year chronicles a new interest in the landscape, experienced in slow time. I had recently moved from my house into my studio, which butts up against the woods, and I spent part of many days sitting in a comfortable chair, drinking coffee and looking out my back windows, at the variety of birds coming to the feeders in the winter, the first hint of green on vines and bushes in the spring, a little wildflower garden I tried to nurse along as the summer came into full leaf. Eventually, I set up the tripod and the 4 x 5 camera and took one image every Saturday. I started in April, before the trees had begun to leaf out, and ended in April a year later. Time speeds up as I get older, and this project was a way to think about a slower pace, the time in which plants, earth and rock exist and gradually change.